Leveraging Best Practices in Curriculum Design for Transformative DEIJ Learning – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

2023 TheForum ConferenceTheme Logo Final

35th Annual Conference

March 27-29, 2023

Day 2

Session Code: S3-E
When: April 6, 2022
Level: Intermediate
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenter: Leigh Morrison, The Winters Group, Inc.
Prerequisite: Experience with designing DEIJ-related learning experiences suggested

Leveraging best practices in curriculum design can increase efficacy of learning around any topic. In the context of DEIJ (diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice), with which learners may be particularly hesitant to engage, understanding key education design concepts can make the difference between learning that stays in the room (or never occurs at all), and learning that is meaningful and will be carried forward into participants’ professional roles and personal lives.

While most designers of DEIJ education experiences are subject matter experts, it is less common for designers to have expertise in curriculum design. Fortunately, designers with any background can equip themselves with key adult learning practices that will enhance their training designs.

This session provides an orientation to best practices from the disciplines of adult learning and curriculum design. Participants will apply their learning to a case study in breakout groups to co-design an experience that leverages the concepts they have learned.

Learning Outcomes

• Understand how to navigate challenges commonly faced in DEIJ learning design • Gain an introduction to key practices to leverage when designing adult learning experiences

• Co-create actionable ideas for session designs using a case study

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