33rd Annual Conference
March 8-12, 2021
Day 3
Session Code: S5-B
When: March 10, 2021
Level: Intermediate
Track: DEI Strategy
Presenters: Dr. Paolo Gaudiano, Aleria Research Corp (ARC) | Lisa Russell, Aleria
Prerequisite: A desire to learn a new way to drive change in your organization; Familiarity with tools and techniques to measure diversity; Currently in a role related to HR, D&I or corporate leadership
Although we commonly speak about diversity and inclusion, the vast majority of data and initiatives focus entirely on diversity or, to be exact, representation. Last year we introduced our unique human-centric framework to define and measure inclusion, to explain why inclusion should be the most critical element of any D&I strategy, and to show how to link specific D&I inclusion initiatives to traditional business KPIs and to employee satisfaction.
As a result of COVID-19, we have developed a novel remote format that provides detailed real-time measurement of inclusion. The result is a web-based platform that provides deep insights into inclusion, which can be updated regularly to monitor the impact of D&I initiatives without having to wait months or years for significant staffing changes to take place. We will introduce some updated key concepts and conduct an online interactive exercise to show how inclusion is measured and detailed insights can be gleamed from the resulting data.
Learning Outcomes
• Learn about the nine categories of inclusion and how they impact employee satisfaction • Learn the impact of workplace interactions on inclusion, satisfaction and productivity
• Participate in an interactive exercise that will show you how to measure inclusion