32nd Annual Conference
March 10-12, 2020
Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota
Day 2
Session Code: S1-A
When: March 11, 2020
Location/Room: M100JIH
Level: Intermediate
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenters: Alejandra González Landeros, The Centre for Global Inclusion | Natasha Aruliah, Intercultural, Diversity, Equity & Social Justice (IDE&SJ) Inc. | Duncan Smith, ADC Associates | Naseem Ahmed, INclusion ACTION
This session will focus on welcoming your ideas to join and further craft global mobilization based on the DEI Futures Initiative (begun Fall 2017) to ensure DEI is an influential force in the world’s future. Content will cover polarization, ethics, disparities and decolonizing as applied to many topics, including climate change and other environmental issues, education, healthcare, generations and aging, religion, accessibility, artificial intelligence, immigration, migration, demographic changes, and marginalized groups. The impact of the accelerated pace of change and economic- and technology-based trends will be discussed.
The majority of the session will involve generating strategies, tactics, and the “how-to” of influencing political and organization leaders, scientists, researchers, thought leaders and people in all walks. Attendees will take away actions they can implement in all circles of influence as well as knowledge about possibilities for mobilizing on a grand scale.
Learning Outcomes
- Learn how to better prepare yourself to be an influencer
- Learn resources, skills and techniques to become more future fluent for use in sectors/industries/communities/regions
- Gain access to ideas, findings and tools to increase your influence