Ray Arata – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Ray Arata  is the Founder of the Better Man Conference , a one-day event with resources, support, and community to engage men as allies in creating an inclusive culture. Ray’s personal mission involves going into the corporate world and getting male executives to stand up and stand strong when it comes to including and advancing women. Ray brings his 22 years of healthy masculinity work with men on how to live and lead from the heart to the very relevant topic of enlisting the engagement of men to support and become integral to the strategies of DEI.

With over ten thousand hours of men’s personal leadership work under his belt, having led transformational workshops, men’s groups, and coaching men, Ray brings a unique and much needed experiential point of view that supports organizations in meeting men where they are and guiding them on an inclusionary leadership journey where women, the organization, and men all win. As a co founder of Better Man Leadership, Ray is committed to the transformation of the gender perspective from which organizations engage with all stakeholder groups; customers, employees, investors, partners, and the global community. In addition to his coaching and training practice, Ray is a keynote speaker and is the author of Wake Up Man Up Step Up and is very excited about his upcoming book, Showing Up: How men can become effective allies int he workplace due out in January 2022.

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