Revolutionizing Equity and Inclusion at the City of Minneapolis – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

2021 TheForum WorkplaceRevolution Logo Horizontal

33rd Annual Conference

March 8-12, 2021

Day 3

Session Code: S5-G
When: March 10, 2021
Level: Intermediate
Track: Government
Presenters: Shannon Murphy, BrainSkills@Work  |  Dawn Baker, City of Minneapolis

When the City of Minneapolis established a strategic plan to guide how the City corrects historic racial and cultural inequities, the Human Resources department stepped up to partner. We wanted to move beyond mere awareness training to making structural change to address and correct biases that continue to show up in our workplace. Now, in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, our work takes on increased urgency.

Learn how we used key levers — employee resource groups, our employee engagement survey and department-specific action plans — to inspire leaders at all levels to adopt new processes and behaviors. Hear examples of systemic changes made — with labor contracts, talent recruiting practices, compensation, performance management, learning, and metrics we’re using to guide achieving a more culturally agile, inclusive workplace. We’ll highlight programs to help drive behavior change, like the agile manager that integrates DEI and cultural agility with frontline manager competencies.

Learning Outcomes

• Gain insight into a strategic, systemic multi-pronged approach the City of Minneapolis is using • Learn key levers utilized to drive systemic change and lessons learned for success advancing equity

• Understand innovative programs and how employees are using the new skills, tools and strategies

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