Seeking Solutions to Our Own Ethnocentrism: Addressing the My-Approach-Is-Better-Than-Your-Approach D&I Contest – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

2019 31stConference Header 01

2019 31stConference Header 04 1

Day 2

Session Code: S2-G
When: April 17, 2019
Location/Room: 101 FG
Level: Intermediate
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenters: Julie O’Mara, The Centre for Global Inclusion  |  Steve Hanamura, Hanamura Consulting, Inc.  |  Dr. Niru Kumar, ASK Insights, New Delhi, India  |  Nene Molefi, Mandate Molefi HR Consultants CC  |  Duncan Smith, ADC Associates  |  Melanie Harrington, Vibrant Pittsburgh

Join colleagues to learn how D&I professionals can respect different approaches rather than negate them. We must learn to cross the self-imposed gap of working in silos. Social justice folks have been heard to say: “Corporate D&I folks have sold out.” Corporate folks have been heard to say: “A social justice approach is too soft.” Some fear that if a spirituality or moral approach is used to foster diversity, business people will revolt and “shut down the D&I department.” Compliance advocates believe compliance is where the rubber meets the road. D&I professionals sometimes operate in silos, competing rather than collaborating…and sometimes disrespecting each other—definitely not modeling inclusion.

After a brief, fun, but poignant, dramatization of the five approaches of our field, join colleagues in deep discussions to determine how we must face our own ethnocentrism to achieve our end result of working together—reducing the inclusion gap in our field—to achieve the ultimate goals of D&I.

  1. Explore and reflect on ethnocentrism and how it negatively impacts our behavior and the D&I profession.
  2. Develop actions to support and collaborate with all D&I approaches; dig deep to eliminate the conflicts.
  3. Apply this learning to other silos and ethnocentric behaviors in your organization.

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