The Science Behind the Bias: Inspire Real Change to Create a Culture of Inclusion – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

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32nd Annual Conference

March 10-12, 2020

Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota

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Day 3

Session Code: S5-I
When: March 12, 2020
Location/Room: 200D
Level: Intermediate
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenter: Amy Stern, BI WORLDWIDE

You may have had conversations, put resource groups in place and even launched a training program. But have you made inclusion core to your organizational culture? Amy Stern, research and strategy director at BI WORLDWIDE, aims to inspire broad-scale culture change using the principles of behavioral economics to explain why organizational diversity and inclusion is so hard to attain, and shares common roadblocks and successes at other organizations.

Attendees will have the chance to hear BI WORLDWIDE’s most recent research on diversity, equity, inclusion and psychological safety as well as examples on how to take action across the five Moments that Count: Decision Day, First Day, Every Day, Achievement Day and Referral Day. This session will also provide original benchmark research of large U.S. organizations to describe the current state of inclusion and psychological safety and their key drivers, and most importantly, how to impact those drivers across the employee life cycle.

Learning Outcomes
  • Use science to promote a culture of inclusion as imperative to business outcomes
  • Identify the greatest opportunities for improving inclusion in current organizational culture
  • Apply tactics for improving inclusion in your organization

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