W. Y. Alice Chan – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Company: The Centre for Civic Religious Literacy (CCRL)
Role: Session Presenter

W. Y. Alice Chan, PhD, is the executive director and co-founder of the Centre for Civic Religious Literacy (CCRL). Her work is inspired by the lack of understanding about religious, spiritual, and non-religious identities that she saw in her corporate workplaces, society, and classrooms where she taught, and her research on religious bullying, religious literacy, and religious discrimination. She is deeply committed to ensuring research (especially related to religious literacy) is shared in an accessible, relevant, and tangible way to all members of society to help people work, live, and engage better together. For more details about Alice and the work at CCRL, visit https://ccrl-clrc.ca/alice-chan/

The Centre for Civic Religious Literacy is a non-religious nonprofit that aims to foster understanding about religious, spiritual, and non-religious diversity across three sectors in Canada — educational, public, and private. Its work is informed by the research and teaching experience of its team. Their work is grounded by a skills-based and framework approach to religious literacy.



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