What Are We Afraid Of? Leaders Disclosing Disability – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

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32nd Annual Conference

March 10-12, 2020

Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota

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Day 2

Session Code: Spotlight 3
When: March 11, 2020
Location/Room: Spotlight Stage
Presenter: Ashley Oolman, Allied Folk

This session will utilize the workshop format to lead participants through a discussion about how bias is a barrier to power for people with disabilities. People with disabilities are underrepresented in workplaces, and an outcome is a lack of leaders who identify as such.

Discover more about the relatively recent phenomenon of executives publicly disclosing their disability and how this, among other factors, could be the catalyst to help break down misconceptions and stigma preventing people with disabilities from making their way to the top.

Learning Outcomes
  • Reflect on stigma, culture, disclosure and potential reasons why a person may or may not disclose
  • Review companies run by people identifying as a person with a disability
  • Explore ways that executives and employees with disabilities have used their perceived weaknesses as an asset

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