What’s Love Got to Do with It? Fostering Inclusive Workplaces Through Applied Positive Psychology – The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

Day 2

Session Code: AW2-B
When: April 6, 2022
Level: Introductory
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenter: Silvana Valentone, Independent Consultant

What if we could use “love”—in its agape sense of “loving kindness” and “compassion”—to fuel positive change in our workplaces? The field of Positive Psychology has demonstrated that supporting the well-being of employees not only improves their individual happiness levels but also the effectiveness of teams, and in turn, the company’s bottom line.

The benefits of a “happy” workplace overlap with those of an inclusive organization: • There is psychological safety • People feel valued and respected • Productivity, engagement, and commitment grow • Interpersonal relationships are strengthened • People are aware and appreciative of their privilege

• Allies take action to support others, leveling the playing field

This workshop will provide participants the opportunity to explore practical Positive Psychology applications, which, as leaders or allies, they will be able to bring back to their workplaces to build more inclusive spaces where everyone flourishes and feels they belong.

Learning Outcomes

• Define key DEI terms and describe positive emotions, such as love, and their impact in the workplace • Apply, adopt, and adapt Positive Psychology strategies at work as leaders, co-workers, and allies

• Build an action plan for supercharging DEI with Applied Positive Psychology

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