35th Annual Conference

March 27-29, 2023


The Future of Work Starts Now: How to Implement DEI Strategies for Lasting Impact

Featured Sessions

Day 3

Session Code: FS-3A
When: April 7, 2022
Level: Intermediate
Track: DEI Strategy
Presenters: Thu-Hong Nguyen, The Acacia Company  |  Natalie Rodgers, The Acacia Company
Prerequisite: You and/or your organization are in the early stages of integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion across business operations or creating a strategic plan for DEI in the workplace.


As organizations begin to get serious about integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion, there is a need for clarity of vision and more intentional strategic planning. Ideally, DEI is not an extracurricular or solely a department tucked under HR—it’s integrated into company strategy and long-term plans. But how do we get there?

In this workshop, we’ll explore a framework for how to navigate the DEI integration path from the early stages of building awareness and gaining momentum to structural transformation and sustainable growth. We’ll uncover common roadblocks and pitfalls, and what makes sense to prioritize at which stages of development.

To achieve sustainable growth in an organization, its employees must be kept at the center. Today that means making a closer examination of the systems and structures that affect them and asking the questions, “Where are we being exclusionary?” and “What needs to change now to impact our employees in ways they need now and for the future?”

Learning Outcomes

• Learn which factors to consider and what challenges to anticipate when developing a DEI strategy
• Evaluate your organization’s current stage of DEI integration and what a growth path forward can be
• Get practical steps you can start taking today for your specific stage of DEI integration

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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