Ep. 34 – Tap IN: Strategies to Elevate Women’s Self-Empowerment


In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Dr. Myra Hubbard (Hubbard & Hubbard, Inc.) explores the difference between being empowered and self-empowered, how to elevate women’s “self-empowered,” as well as offering next-level practices and strategies for both personal and professional development.

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Although the phrase “women’s empowerment” is used pervasively, surprisingly there is no common definition of “women’s self-empowerment.” What does it really mean to be self-empowered, and what does it entail?

There is a difference between being empowered and self-empowerment. Empowerment that comes to your life from external influences is not the only type of empowerment needed if you are seeking a life-altering positive change or to achieve your personal and career goals. When you are empowered by others, it might help improve your life or even enable you to become self-empowered, but to make a lasting change, you have to take personal responsibility, own it, and do the personal work required to make the change.

Participants will learn a Strategic Self-Empowerment Implementation Model which you can start to apply immediately.

Learning Outcomes
  • Learn process steps for achieving self-empowerment outcomes and personal and career transformation
  • Learn how to use forward-facing self-empowerment approaches to shift blocks to personal performance
  • Apply the Strategic Self-Empowerment Model Spotlight technique to real-world situations
See also  Podcast Ep. 45 – Overt Discrimination in the Workplace

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