A.C.T. Inclusively™: Re-Pattern Bias in the Brain
20-minute Spotlight Sessions
Day 2
Session Code: Spotlight 9When: March 11, 2020
Location/Room: Spotlight Stage
Presenter: Shannon Murphy, BrainSkills@Work
Did you know that biases are malleable in the brain? Exciting new research is showing that due to the brain’s plasticity, we can consciously intervene to re-pattern the brain’s responses to differences and biases. Without our conscious intervention, differences that are unfamiliar or cause discomfort block our ability to engage empathy and care, and there is increased likelihood of acting on our biases.
The good news is we can train the brain to engage more readily across differences and strengthen the ability to consistently demonstrate inclusive behaviors. Come join us for this Spotlight session and be introduced to a practical framework, A.C.T. Inclusively™, designed to re-pattern biases and foster higher levels of engagement across differences.
Learning Outcomes
- Gain insight into new research about brain and bias, and the ability to re-pattern bias in the brain
- Introduction to a practical brain-based tool: A.C.T. Inclusively
- Learn three key aspects of Appreciate, Choose, Toward and how they set up the brain to engage more effectively across differences
Webinar Video