33rd Annual Conference

March 8-12, 2021


Healthcare Practitioners: Identifying the Nexus Between DEI Challenges and Opportunities

75-minute Workshops

Day 2

Session Code: S3-F
When: March 9, 2021
Level: Intermediate
Track: Healthcare
Presenters: Wendy Amengual Wark, Inclusion Strategy Solutions  |  Mecca Mitchell, Westchester Medical Center Health Network  |  Jamal Lopez, Weill Cornell Medicine


Providing care to patients during a crisis can be challenging. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the disproportionate impact that institutional racism has on communities of color. Long-standing workplace issues such as privilege, microaggressions, and lagging development of leadership competencies create underlying, entrenched challenges. How can DEI practitioners best support healthcare stakeholders — the community, patients, support staff, medical practitioners, faculty, students, and advocates — to create systems, practices and protocols that are equitable in a rapidly shifting, high-stress, high-stakes environment?

This session will consider the multi-faceted dimensions of healthcare and how DEI practitioners can help with:
• Aligning DEI with organizational mission, vision, and goals
• Establishing sustainable DEI strategies
• Encouraging accountability and transparency to improve patient care and safety
• Developing inclusive leadership to bring about innovative transformation

Learning Outcomes

• How to help leaders understand their privilege and leverage DEI competencies to be better allies
• How to use limited resources to create a sustainable and supportive DEI structure for stakeholders
• How to implement innovative DEI strategies to advance inclusion for staff, patients, and community

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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