Chris Jones

Founding Partner

Company: Spectra Diversity LLC
Role: Podcast Presenter

Post: Podcast Ep. 27 – Creating the “Stick”: How to Build a Year-Long Diversity and Inclusion Sustainability Program

Chris Jones is one of the current Founding Partners of Spectra Diversity LLC – the creator of the SDIA. The SDIA is the only validated diversity and inclusion assessment which measures both the individual and the organization. Chris is also one of the creators of the Spectra Diversity Facilitation Kit, a training tool for diversity and inclusion workshops and training, and is the creator of a one-year online sustainability program to anchor the learning and behavioral changes created during diversity and inclusion training. She is the author of several white papers dealing with diversity, inclusion and multicultural communication. Chris has served as a script writing instructor, storyboard instructor and as the International President of the International Television Association – a professional trade organization with approximately 10,000 members. Chris has a widely recognized ability to develop creative, clear and concise stories in the face of complex topics including: the RF module of a radar altimeter; anti-terrorist strategies for wastewater treatment plants; anatomy and physiology of the brain for pharmaceutical reps; launch of a new drug formulary; financial benefits of Roth IRAs; the working mechanism for NSAID receptor drugs for depression; and cross-cultural communication with global team members. Her work in creating training programs has won national and international awards of excellence.


The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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