So You Want DEI on Your Board of Directors!
90-minute Workshops
Day 3
Session Code: S5-EWhen: April 7, 2022
Level: Advanced
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenters: Dr. Deborah Ashton, Planet Perspective, LLC | Tracie Hall, TM VentuHERS
Prerequisite: To prepare to engage and exchange ideas, prior to the session please review the material in the PDF file provided.
Equity impacts corporate decisions. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professionals can enhance boards’ connections to the customer, employees, and the communities they serve.
This session focuses on how to promote a more diverse board of directors, why have DEI expertise in the boardroom, and what search firms are looking for in prospective board members.
Learning Outcomes
• Develop rationale for a more diverse board of directors
• Build rationale for DEI expertise in the boardroom
• Understand the competencies search firms are looking for in prospective board members