35th Annual Conference

March 27-29, 2023


Unpacking Racism at the Kitchen Table: Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben’s and Cream of Wheat

90-minute Workshops

Day 2

Session Code: S4-D
When: April 6, 2022
Level: Introductory
Track: Innovation & Transformation
Presenters: Chuck Adams, Language & Culture Worldwide (LCW)  |  Mita Mallick, Carta  |  Monica Marcel, Language & Culture Worldwide (LCW)


Is Aunt Jemima a longtime beloved icon representing a product that people have come to love, who has now fallen victim to the politically correct crowd? Or is she a derogatory racial stereotype based on the life of several real women who never received the compensation and dignity they deserved? Come join us as we set the record straight and put such questions and events into context.

Originally designed in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd for corporate marketers committed to anti-racist brands, this session is a deep dive for anyone ready to:
• Center the Black experience in a discussion of current events and social context—namely the major announcements from loved brands about changes to their packaging
• Frame conversations about consumer products in a larger context: U.S. history of racist stereotypes designed to reinforce Jim Crow
• Address questions and comments shared through Q&A to help further drive allyship and facilitate courageous conversations

Learning Outcomes

• Center race and culture in a topical discussion of contemporary issues and current events
• Frame each conversation in a larger historical and cultural context
• Address questions through Q&A to help further drive allyship and facilitate courageous conversations

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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