
Podcast Ep. 30 – The Neuroscience of Trust, Empathy, and High-Performance Teams

Apr 7, 2020

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Dr. Kenneth Nowack (Envisia Learning, Inc.) dives into new research on how to measure and change a key aspect of an effective company and team culture: interpersonal trust and psychological safety.

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Dr. Nowack presents the latest neuroscience research around interpersonal trust and its relationship to the hormone oxytocin that provides insight about the biological survival roots of unconscious bias and in-group bias. Finally, Dr. Nowack will explore the link between high-trust teams with important employee outcomes such as retention, engagement, reduced job burnout, and well-being.

Learning Outcomes
  • Explain the association between empathy, trust, in-group bias and the hormone oxytocin
  • Describe the two foundational components of high-trust/high-performance teams
  • Identify four key contributors to interpersonal trust and psychological safety

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The Forum on Workplace Inclusion®
2211 Riverside Ave, CB 54
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Photos by Sarah Morreim Photography
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