Podcast Ep. 45 – Overt Discrimination in the Workplace



n this episode of The Forum Podcast, Ashley Oolman (Lifeworks) leads listeners through a discussion about how disability status may not be as protected as other classes in the workplace.

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Though there are laws dating back to 1938 ensuring access to resources, employment, and equal rights, people with disabilities experience discrimination in overt and profound ways especially when contrasted with other protected classes. From interviewing and hiring programs to disclosure and accommodations, explore how you and your organization can put an end to common practices continuing to have a disproportionate and discriminatory impact on employees with disabilities right in front of us.

Learning Outcomes
  • Contrast scenarios with other protected classes to examine the pervasive issue of disability discrimination
  • Examine existing laws in place to prevent cycles of unemployment and poverty amongst the disability community
  • Review best practices and common etiquette to ensure disability inclusion
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