Is It Possible to Activate Allyship for a Global Workforce? Tools from LinkedIn’s Allyship Program
90-minute Workshops
Day 1
Session Code: S2-DWhen: April 5, 2022
Level: Intermediate
Track: Diversity Leadership
Presenters: Arlyne Marella, LinkedIn | Nuhamin Woldemariam, LinkedIn | Michelle Rodriguez, LinkedIn
Activating allyship is no small feat but it’s one worth pursuing! Creating allyship context across a global workforce requires multi-directional allyship that engages every level and scaling with multiple learning touchpoints. It takes knowledge building, leadership development, and global scaling for local impact.
Join LinkedIn as we share how we created a global network of ambassadors and analyze how these tactics could integrate within your company culture.
Learning Outcomes
• Understand LinkedIn’s approach in building a global allyship program focused on multi-directional allyship
• Analyze how to embed knowledge, critical self-reflection, and tactical everyday actions across difference
• Discuss how these tactics could be implemented in your company