Decolonizing Philanthropy
Featured Sessions
Day 2
Session Code: NP-1AWhen: April 6, 2022
Level: Intermediate
Track: Nonprofit
Presenters: Mary-Frances Winters, The Winters Group, Inc. | Brandon Calloway, Kansas City G.I.F.T. (Generating Income For Tomorrow) | Cassandra Corey, Human Rights Campaign | Liz Lund, Medtronic | W. Teddy McDaniel, III, Urban League Central Carolinas | Cara Matteliano, Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo | Ayris Scales, Abel Vision Enterprises
We continue to operate with a paternalist charity mindset that assumes those in power are capable of making decisions for and in the best interest of those without power. We need to change this paradigm to one that centers the experiences of those most impacted by inequitable systems and draws on the strengths inherent in communities of color to know what is best for their communities. To decolonize philanthropy, it is imperative to address the harm from colonization, and move toward reconciliation and reparative giving.
Moderated by DEI thought leader Mary-Frances Winters, this session will start with a panel of philanthropy experts engaging with BIPOC not-for-profit leaders to gain clarity on the X we need to solve for in philanthropy. We will then break into small discussion groups to listen and learn about the key challenges facing BIPOC not-for-profits. The last segment will identify action steps to decolonize philanthropy.
Learning Outcomes
• Assess the harm to BIPOC communities of colonized philanthropy
• Distinguish colonized from decolonized approaches to philanthropy
• Identify actions to decolonize philanthropy