2020 Presenters

Dr. Sharon Adams

Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest

Naseem Ahmed


INclusion ACTION

Raafi-Karim Alidina

Consulting Manager, Data & Product Lead


Shilpa Alimchandani

Founder and Principal

Mookti Consulting

Dr. Kami Anderson

CEO and Director

Bilingual Brown Babies

Vivian Anugwom

Operations Manager

Alliana Health

Dr. Antonia Apolinario-Wilcoxon

Consultant, Trainer, Community Builder

Strategic Diversity Initiatives

Kristie Armbruster

MDI, Inc.

Natasha Aruliah

Counselor, Facilitator, and Consultant

Intercultural, Diversity, Equity & Social Justice (IDE&SJ) Inc.

Dr. Deborah Ashton


Planet Perspective, LLC

Lessie Askew

National Director, People Experience

Amnesty International USA

Mark Atkinson



Marcy Averill

Program Director

Mayo Clinic

Molly Banal

DOC Education Career Navigator

Minnesota Department of Corrections

Lorelei Bandel

Sr. Research Program Coordinator

Mayo Clinic

Dr. Michael Baran


Iris Inclusion

Emily Baxter

Executive Director

We Are All Criminals

Peter Beard

Senior Vice President, Regional Workforce Development

Greater Houston Partnership

Kristy Beckman

Director, Program Management Office

HB Fuller

Chrystal Bell

Forensic Services Division Director

Oregon State Police

Heidi Borgwardt

Senior Health Systems Engineer

Mayo Clinic

Kelsey Braak


West Monroe Partners

Deb Broberg

Executive Director

RealTime Talent

Tyrai Bronson-Pruitt

Senior Strategiest

Team Dynamics LLC

Alison Brown

President and CEO

Science Museum of Minnesota

Tressa Yonekawa Bundren

Taproot Ventures

Ben Cabangun

Director of Strategy and Design

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum

Aaron Cannon

Lead Accessibility Engineer and Co-Founder


Jacquelyn Carpenter

Director, Business Development & Empowerment Institute

Twin Cities R!SE

Dr. Tammie Causey-Konaté

Senior Technical Assistance Consultant

American Institutes for Research (AIR)

Karen Cohen

Director of Human Resources

Rubicon Programs

Bernard Coleman

Chief Diversity and Engagement Officer


Monica Coyle


Mayo Clinic

Niki DaSilva

Manager of Programs and Policy

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Rossella Derickson

Performance and Culture Strategist

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Dr. Basma Ibrahim DeVries

Professor; Consultant

Concordia University; Ibrahim DeVries Consulting

Brickson Diamond


Big Answers, LLC

John Doe

Position Title

Company Name

Blake Dye

Engagement and Innovation Manager

Oregon State Police

Dr. Chimare Eaglin


University of Chicago Laboratory Schools

Dan Egol


Inclusion NextWork

Karthik Ekambaram

Diversity and Inclusion Specialist

Avtar Group

Lisa Fain


Center for Mentoring Excellence

Scott Fearing

Manager of Diversity Education

University of Rochester

Dr. Bernardo Ferdman

Principal and Founder

Ferdman Consulting

Tatyana Fertelmeyster

Founder and Principal

Connecting Differences, LLC

Lydia Forsythe

CEO and President / Faculty

Londes Strategic Healthcare Consulting / Capella University

Brad Fortier

Senior Equity Training & Education Coordinator

Uplift Oregon

Dr. Karen Francis

Vice President and Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer

American Institutes for Research (AIR)

Stephen Frost

CEO and Founder


Pamela Fuller

Co-Author of “The Leader’s Guide to Unconscious Bias” | Thought Leader on Diversity and Inclusion


Leslie Funk

Senior Workplace Program Associate

Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding

Dr. Paolo Gaudiano


Aleria Research Corp (ARC)

Camille Chang Gilmore

Vice President, Human Resources and Global Chief Diversity Officer

Boston Scientific

Jamal Givens

Founder and CEO

JG Enterprises

Dr. Brian Grim


Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

Dr. Ernest Gundling

Co-Founder and Managing Partner

Aperian Global, Inc.

Constance Hall

Capella University

Travis Hampton

Oregon State Police

Matthew Hanzlik

Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion


Tai Harden-Moore

Founder and CEO

Moore Consultants, LLC

Brittany J. Harris

Vice President, Learning and Innovation

The Winters Group, Inc.

Dwayne Haynes

Customer Relationship Manager

Progressive Insurance

Timitra Hildebrand-Jones

Director, Diversity and Inclusion

Trane Technologies

Trina Hoefling

Adjunct Faculty, Leadership and HR

Universities of Denver and Southern California

Scott Hoesman

CEO and Founder


Lisa Holyfield

Senior Director of Community Engagement and Inclusion

YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities

Jill Houghton

President and CEO


Kamyala Howard

President and Lead Consultant


James C. Burroughs II

Senior Vice President, Government and Community Relations, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer

Children’s Minnesota

Stephanie Ingraham

Patrol Division Captain

Oregon State Police

Tiffany Jana

Founder and CEO

TMI Consulting, Inc.

Patricia Jesperson

Chief Curiosity Officer


Iyanrick John

Senior Policy Strategist

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum

Ruthie Johnson

Consulting Manager

YWCA Minneapolis

Wehmah Jones

American Institutes for Research (AIR)

Travis Jones

Principal Strategist

The Winters Group, Inc.

Jon DeVries, Jr.

Consultant and Trainer

DeVries Consulting

Kathy Kacher

President; Co-Founder

Career/Life Alliance Services; The SMART Workplace

Dr. Jennifer Kahnweiler

Global Speaker and Author

Independent Consultant

Rebecca Karpinski

Vice President of Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness

Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest

Dr. Leeno Karumanchery

Chief Diversity Officer

MESH Diversity

Judith H. Katz

Executive Vice President

The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc.

Kate Downing Khaled

Founder and CEO

Imagine Deliver

Kate Khaled

Founder and Managing Director

Imagine Deliver

Adrienne Kimball

Chief Talent Officer

Rubicon Programs

Alexey Koslov

Knowledge Systems Services Manager

Hogan Lovells

Lakshmi Krishnan

HR Director


Mary Beth Lamb

Senior Consultant

ECCO International

Paul Lambert

Senior Business Fellow

Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

Alejandra González Landeros


The Centre for Global Inclusion

Michele Landis

Co-Founder, CRO


Joayne Larson

Founder and President

Sparks of Change, LLC

Dr. Tamika Lasege

Medical Director, Children’s Health Network

Children’s Minnesota

Lor Lee

Director / Administrative Partner, Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Mayo Clinic

Victor Li

Co-Founder & CEO


Kevin Lindsey

Chief Executive Officer

Minnesota Humanities Center

Jennifer London

Content Director

Diversity Best Practices

Laura Lott

President and CEO

American Alliance of Museums

Dr. Kristie Lowry

Associate Chair

Capella University

Dr. Robyn Madison-Harris

Senior Technical Assistance Consultant

American Institutes for Research (AIR)

Laura Mansfield

Senior Director of Organizational Transformation

KEEN Footware

Monica Marcel

Co-Founder and Partner

Language & Culture Worldwide (LCW)

Nichole Barnes Marshall

Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

L Brands

Mercedes Martin


Mercedes Martin & Company

Peter McDermott

MDI Inc.

Pam McElvane

CEO and Publisher

Diversity MBA (DMBA, Inc.)

Barb McLean

Equity Specialist

City of Edmonton

Kelli McLoud-Schingen


KMS Intercultural Consulting

Sebastien Meyer

Principal Consultant

The Zone

Juliet Mitchell


Manners are Memorable

Kirsten Mitchell

Sr. Program Manager, Inclusion & Diversity


Leigh Morrison

Manager of Learning and Innovation

The Winters Group, Inc.

Maria Morukian

Founder and President

MSM Global Consulting

Mary-Elizabeth Mulligan

Vice President

State Street Corporation

Shannon Murphy

CEO and Co-Founder


Jean-Marie Navetta

Director of Learning & Inclusion

PFLAG National

Farzana Nayani

CEO & Founder

Farzana Nayani | Consulting & Training

Gladys Ndagire

Product Marketing Manager

Western Digital

Patricia Neal

Co-Founder and President

Center for Purposeful Leadership

Vivian Jenkins Nelsen

Founder and President

The Hypatia Group

Dr. J. Cody Nielsen

Founder and Executive Director

Convergence on Campus

Dr. Sarah Nodarse

Principal Consultant

Language & Culture Worldwide (LCW)

Trina Olson


Team Dynamics LLC

Ashley Oolman

Founder and Equity Consultant

Allied Folk

Chevara Orrin

Chief Creative Catalyst

Collective Concepts

Rebecca Parrilla

Principal Consultant

Language & Culture Worldwide (LCW)

Nereida (Neddy) Perez

VP, Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

McCormick & Company, Inc.

Dominic Perri


Essential Conversations

Scott Peterson

Senior Director of Equity and Leadership Development

YMCA of the North

Dr. Anne Phibbs

Founder and President

Strategic Diversity Initiatives

Josuel Plasencia

Co-Founder and President


Andrew Plumley

Director of Inclusion

American Alliance of Museums

Heather Price



Suzanne Price

Founder and President

Price Global

Dr. Karishma Rajani

Research Associate and Assistant Professor

Mayo Clinic

Dr. Saundarya Rajesh

Founder & President

Avtar Group

Dr. Amy Seegmiller Renner

Curriculum and Assessment Manager

Mayo Clinic

Jennifer Requiro

Board Member

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum

Dr. Alan Richter


QED Consulting

Kalisha Roberts

Customer Relationship Manager

Progressive Insurance

Howard Ross


Udarta Consulting

Judy Ryan


LifeWork Systems

Riikka Salonen

Managing Director of Health Equity

BCT Partners

Philomena Morrissey Satre

Director of Diversity and Inclusion

Land o’ Lakes

Meghan Schilling



Russell Shaffer

Director–Global Culture, Diversity & Inclusion

Walmart Inc.

Munzoor Shaikh

Director, Health and Life Sciences Practice; Inclusion and Diversity Council Lead

West Monroe Partners

Dr. Maria Sierra-Wilburn

Associate Director, Executive Education Enrollment Independent DEI Consultant

The University of Chicago

Rebecca Slaby

Executive Director


Duncan Smith


ADC Associates

Shambricia Spencer

Director of Experience

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Kori Stephens

Project Director

Midwest Children’s Advocacy Center.

Amy Stern

Managing Director of Research and Strategy


Dr. J. Bruce Stewart

Founder and CEO

Small World Solutions

Zaylore Stout

Attorney and Author

Zaylore Stout & Associates, LLC

Catherine Strahan

Regional Vice President

Mind Gym

Charlotte Sweeney

Managing Director

Charlotte Sweeney Associates, Ltd., U.K.

Miloney Thakrar

Founder and Principal

Mind the Gender Gap, Inc.

Jacqueline Themel

Project Coordinator


Minjon Tholen

Chief Inclusion & Strategic Innovation Officer

Amnesty International USA

Jackie Thomas-Hall

Director, Culture, Diversity & Inclusion

Allina Health

Dr. Amy Tolbert


ECCO International

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky


Disaster Avoidance Experts

Jede Umulisa

Social Economist Consultant

Independent Consultant

Yulkendy Valdez

Co-Founder and CEO


Rubén Vázquez

Vice President, Racial Justice and Public Policy

YWCA Minneapolis

Dr. Hedy Lemar Walls

Chief Social Responsibility Officer

YMCA of the North

Levi Weinhagen

Senior Strategist

Team Dynamics LLC

Alfonso Wenker


Team Dynamics LLC

Erin White

Senior Director of Product Development & Research


Dr. Joy Wiggins

Founder, CEO, Director

Joy Wiggins, PhD: Equity and Inclusion Consulting

Dr. Charmon Parker Williams

Associate Professor and Internship Director

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Mary-Frances Winters

President and CEO

The Winters Group, Inc.

Dr. Daniel Cantor Yalowitz

Founder and Executive Director

DCY Consulting

Helen Yin

Co-Founder & COO


Judy Young

Associate Director

Cornell University

Victor Zhao

Data Science Actuary


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